Physicians, NP's, PA's, Dentists, PT's, OT's, therapists, and other healthcare providers who chart for patient and client care:

Spend 60 minutes in this FREE Virtual training

with Erin Hurley, MD to

Break Up with

Pajama Charting;

Get back up to 9 hours a week for the rest of your medical career!

Register, and we get started on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 10:00-11:00 AM PT/1:00-2:00 PM ET

Hear what Dawn has to say...

The Workshop was Amazing!

"The benefit that I’ve gained just from doing the workshop was amazing, AMAZING! Making the rules and sticking to them."

Dawn. O, FNP-BC,

in practice 30+ years

Check All That Apply:

  • Spending 2 hours per day and over 9 hours per week charting after-hours- the equivalent of giving away over $40,000 of your time each year.

  • Feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and exhausted- it's time to create healthy sustainability in your medical career.

  • Strain on your relationships- become fully present at home with family without the weight of charts looming over your interactions.

  • Lack of rejuvenation between work shifts- why ending your workday when you leave the office is critical for your health and well-being.

Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 10:00-11:00 AM PT/1:00-2:00 PM ET

After the session, I will be available for Q&A.

Hear what Carissa has to say:

It can make a huge difference!

People at my office said about the 1-hour training, “I don’t have the time to do this, it’s just more time.” After the workshop, one provider made up that time plust 5 more hours in the first week! It can make a huge difference!

Carissa, PA-C, in practice 1 year

HOSTED BY: Erin Hurley MD

Erin is a Physician and Wellness and Performance Coach. This 1-hour workshop has helped dozens of healthcare providers save hours each week. Erin's creates research based programs, to help you get more done using less time and energy. She helps clients create strategies to increase their time and bandwidth without adding to their levels of exhaustion and overwhelm.

Leveraging her 25+ years as a physician leader and expertise from multiple coaching certifications, Erin, founder of Transformational Doc, creates unique programs to boost the well-being of healthcare providers. Erin positively impacts clinician wellness statewide through her service on the board of the Marion-Polk County Medical Society and the Executive Committee for the Oregon Wellness Program.

Balancing a busy healthcare career with family life (wife & mom of 3 young adults) ignited Erin's passion for helping others. Through her own transformative journey overcoming chronic exhaustion and overwhelm, she became an expert in navigating the challenges healthcare workers face. Her research-backed methods,
developed specifically for the complexities of modern medicine, empower individuals to break free from overwhelm and reclaim their well-being.

Register by Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 10:00-11:00 AM PT/1:00-2:00 PM ET

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